About Alex Carabi

Coach, facilitator, therapist

I support the leaders of today and tomorrow on their inner and outer journeys in work and life.

My journey has been wide-ranging. I’ve founded and led a brand development agency, living through the ups and the downs of the entrepreneurial roller coaster. I’ve worked as a management consultant within leadership development, helping global leaders and organizations to grow. And I’ve climbed the peaks of the corporate ladder, suffering the lows of stress and burnout in its wake.

Through these adventures and other spiritual inquiries, I’ve gained a glimpse of the potential in being, belonging, and becoming that lies in store for every one of us. My work is now devoted to helping people unfold more of who they are.

Themes I explore through my work and writing are: relationality, regenerative and embodied leadership, trauma work, post-secularism, addressing the metacrisis, philosophy and metaphysics, and bringing more goodness, truth, and beauty to business.

Alongside my coaching and therapy practice, I lead Yellow together with Robert Poynton. It started as an online space where small groups came together to learn and explore in a responsive, curriculum-free environment. Today Yellow offers in-person “empty space” events like Walk and Talks, Reading Weekends, and the annual unconference 3D Yellow in the Spanish countryside.

I’m a host at Coaches Rising, where I facilitate certified online coaching trainings with some of the world’s most experienced and skilled coaches.

I also write. My first book, On Relationality: Lessons from Martin Buber on Living in Relation with Self, Others, the World, and Life Itself, came out in 2023.

I live in the western Swedish countryside with my partner and son.

Credentials and training:

Books written:

Books I’m featured in:

Other publications and essays:


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